How to learn dates on stories?

How to learn dates on stories?

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Studying at school, we think that in adulthood the majority of knowledge are not useful to us therefore quite often we pay not enough attention to details. But then this lack of knowledge begins to be felt sharply. Therefore there are questions of the fastest completion of gaps in the education, for example, as it is possible to learn quickly dates on stories. Of course, for the solution of this problem it is necessary to force to work the brain, but you should not be frightened, titanic efforts will not be required.

How it is easy to learn dates on stories?

The first option which occurs it is the banal cramming which set the teeth on edge from school. You will not call this method simple, besides it will help to remember information only for single use then it will successfully evaporate from memory. Therefore if you think how to learn dates on stories to remember them for a long time, once to the following recommendations listen.

  1. Make the table of dates which you should remember. It is much more convenient to have the structured information before eyes, than to try to discover every time in the text the necessary data.
  2. If it is simpler to you to remember information, having listened to it, then make for yourself such crib. How to learn dates on stories in such a way? Read aloud all dates which you need to remember, writing down it on a dictophone (function is in any modern phone). When you read, make a pause between the name of an event and date to give themselves time for remembering during listening.
  3. If figurative thinking is peculiar to you, then try to connect each date with some characteristic picture mentally. For example, the prince Vladimir choose the image (even if) from the animated film for a year of the Christianization of Kievan Rus', and date of a revolt of Minin and Pozharsky with the monument devoted to them.
  4. How it is easy to learn dates on stories? Remember about encouragement, promise to indulge yourself after implement the plan put per day. The anticipation of pleasant rest will force your brain to work more diligently, having provided the best storing of necessary information.
  5. Remember about abstracts. It is difficult to remember large volumes of data therefore it is better to fix the most important points briefly. It will help you not just to remember dates, but also to connect them with events.

That training was successful, allow for it time of the highest activity – for someone it is evening hours, someone begins to work productively during the lunchtime, and it is the simplest to someone to study right after awakening. Having found out the most convenient time, use it regularly that the organism got used to obtaining information during a certain period.


Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
