How it is correct to do a press lying?

How it is correct to do a press lying?

Knowledge Base Hits: 183

Press lying – general exercise which enters the main complex for powerlifting. It is included in the trainings not only by the experienced, but also beginning athletes. The correct equipment is important, otherwise it is possible not to expect good results and also the risk of getting injured significantly increases.

How it is correct to do a press lying?

There are several important aspects which should be considered to receive desirable result from a training.

  1. Width of the successful fellow. That the main loading went on pectoral muscles, slightly more than width of shoulders is recommended to keep a bar at arm's length – the correct hold at a press lying. If to take a signature stamp very widely, then the target muscle will be studied, and it is good to load a breast it will not turn out. In that case if to hold a bar narrow hold, then the triceps will work more.
  2. For increase in muscular volume it is the best of all to work in amplitude, that is in the top point not to straighten completely a hand, leaving a small corner in elbows. Lowering a signature stamp, you should not put it on a breast, trainers say that the correct press – when to a body remains couple of centimeters.
  3. Trajectory of the movement. At the beginning of the training it is necessary to lift a signature stamp only, observing a vertical trajectory. Such movements allow to load pectoral muscles and there is a fine opportunity everything to control. When is, will achieve a certain result, it is worth passing to a trajectory which means the shift of the top point to the level of eyes.
  4. Understanding how it is correct to carry out a press lying, it is impossible to miss this important aspect of exercise on which the result depends. To reduce risk of getting injured and to enhance effect, it is recommended to do everything smoothly without sharp movements. One more important point – it is worth lowering a bar more slowly (2-3 sec.), than to lift (1-2 sec.). In the top point it is recommended to be late for a second that will lead to the maximum reduction of pectoral muscles.
  5. The correct press of a bar lying means a sharp exhalation during raising of a bar and a breath at its lowering. Many beginning athletes make a serious mistake and hold the breath during exercise performance that negatively affects result.

As it is correct to do a press of a bar lying - the sequence

It is necessary to begin with warm-up and an extension, it is enough to spend for it only 5 min. For example, it is possible to carry out data and cultivations of dumbbells and also their rise and the Cuban press.

For performance of the exercise lay down on a bench, put legs widely and be reluctant full foot. During all training it is forbidden to move with legs. It is necessary to rest a nape and an upper back against a bench. It is necessary to make the chest bridge for what cramp shovels together. Considering a strong emphasis legs, buttocks have to touch a bench only a few. The bar needs to be recorded on straight arms in a point, with the minimum course of a bar. It is already known that it is necessary to fall on a breath down, at the same time holding elbows pressed to a trunk. Having been at the extreme end of the resources, rise on an exhalation up.


Useful tips:

  1. To secure itself against injuries, it is recommended to use belts for brushes and an athletic belt.
  2. At the first stages of a training it is necessary to carry out with the assistant who will be able to help to lift a bar at any time. You ask the insurer to remove a bar from racks and to give you in hands.
  3. Do not tear off a basin at all from a bench as it will not help with results, but at the same time can lead to receiving serious spine injuries.

Surely note to yourself all made councils and recommendations to receive the maximum result from exercise.


Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
