How to make asparagus seedling

How to make asparagus seedling

The name of asparagus is translated from Greek "escape". The plant has become widespread in the territory of Western Europe and Russia. Aim at its cookeries for sweetish taste, in many respects similar to taste of green peas. Cultivation of asparagus requires fertile soil with low indicators of acidity. The most abundant harvest of asparagus can be received on friable sandy soils which are rich with useful substances.

  • - capacity for soaking of seeds
  • - garden blade
  • - garden pitchfork
  • - means of watering
  • - earth mix for seedling
  • - cartridges for seedling

1. Seedling of asparagus is grown up in two ways. For direct crops in seedling ridges sow seeds in the third decade of May.

2. Dry seeds ascend for 25–30 day. If you are not ready to wait long, wet them in water for 5–6 days. Water temperature can fluctuate in limits 30-35os. For temperature maintenance put capacity with seeds to the warm place.

3. After term place seeds in damp paper or fabric for 4–6 days. During this time seeds will sprout. That paper or fabric did not dry, densely roll up them cellophane. Well wetted seeds ascend for 12–15 day if seeds were in time inbarks, the first shoots can be expected for 7–8 day.

4. For preparation of bed under seedling on each square meter bring 1 bucket of compost or manure and 100 g of complex fertilizer. After that dig over the soil, loosen and level.

5. Forming beds under future seedling, leave distance not less than 30-40 cm. Seeds sow at distance 6–7 cm on depth of 2 cm.

6. In month thin out shoots, leave the strongest sprouts at distance from each other not less than 15 cm.

7. Asparagus seedling grows extremely slowly and in 40–45 days can reach height no more than 10-15 cm. For this reason on bed it as if to remain long – 1–2 seasons. Seedling needs to be watered and weeded from weeds. At the beginning of summer the fertilizing is required by nitrogen fertilizers. Give preference to urea and ammonium nitrate which is brought by 10 g on square meter. It is also possible to use the dung water prepared in the ratio 1:6 with water.

8. At the end of summer on bed plants with 2–4 escapes and small rhizome will appear. For preparation for winter at the beginning of September bring phosphorus and potassium.

9. In October the elevated part dies off, after that fill up landing with peat or humus. That protection was reliable, thickness of layer has to be not less than 3 cm. Atop cover bed with the fallen-down foliage or fir twigs.

10. At change of asparagus seedling on the constant place use garden pitchfork which will not damage roots.

11. Landing of pottery seedling allows to receive more developed and strong plants to approach of fall. For crops choose pots of 100-200 ml. All procedure should be begun a little earlier – in the middle of May. Suitable for crops consider seeds which have back in 1–3 mm.

12. For preparation of "asparagus" land mix mix the garden earth, peat, the rerotting manure and sand in proportion 2:1:1:1.

13. Turn plants in pots the different parties to the sun.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
