How to apply silicone sealant

How to apply silicone sealant

In recent years in the market large amount of materials for sealing of joints has appeared. The greatest popularity among them was gained by sealants by means of which it is possible to carry out mounting of ceramic tile and plumbing, to make glazing of plastic, wooden and metal covers, to make and repair aquariums, to close up cracks and various joints.

It is required to you

  • - silicone sealant;
  • - palette;
  • - water;
  • - alcohol or acetone;
  • - cotton fabric;
  • - painting tape.


1. Choosing sealant, read on packing at what temperature it is necessary to carry out works. The indicator has to fluctuate from +5 to +40 degrees. Time of superficial curing of such sealant is 5-10 minutes. For this period it is possible to create seam. However you remember that its final curing takes longer time (in day about 2-4 mm harden).

2. Getting to work, provide good airing of the room as couples which are allocated when putting acid sealants cause irritation of mucous membranes.

3. Prepare for putting sealant of zone of joints or seams. For this purpose remove old sealing material. Having carefully cleaned surfaces, degrease them acetone or alcohol and dry within half an hour.

4. Cut off cartridge tip. It is necessary to do it carefully, trying not to damage thread. Screw the mouthpiece which is cut off at an angle 45 degrees on the cartridge. Such cut will allow to provide the necessary section of strip of sealant.

5. For equal causing structure paste over the pressurized sites with painting tape. It is necessary to remove it at once the field of how sealant will be applied.

6. Fill joint, squeezing out sealant from the cartridge by means of plunger (assembly) gun. Moisten the palette in water and according to type of connection create seam and remove excess of silicone sealant.

7. At the joint gap width, in two and more times exceeding its depth it is necessary to use lining material to avoid tripartite sticking of weight. Take for lining cord from frothed propylene or polyethylene tape.

8. Remove traces of sealant by means of the wetted in gasoline or dry cotton fabric. For removal of already hardened sealant use the special structure delivered in aerosol barrels or in tubes. Upon termination of work wash the tool and hands with warm water with soap at once.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
