How to make juicy beef

How to make juicy beef

Food and Drinks Hits: 85

Beef in itself - not too suitable meat for frying. Unlike pork, beef more rigid and less fat. Therefore after roasting on consistence can sometimes resemble rubber. But following some cunnings, any hostess will easily make juicy and soft beef.

It is required to you


1. Pledge of the fact that the made all-beef will be juicy and soft is its freshness. In any meat department choose only a fresh meat. It to be preparing quicker, and to taste won't resemble an old rubber tire (that is won't be rigid and dry).

2. Upon purchase of meat pay the attention to its color. It has to be bright red. If beef began to darken, it means that it lay too long on a show-window (an exception - meat in vacuum packing). Ask the seller to show the pieces chosen by you (ribs, a loin and so on) before to buy them. Visually estimate what you want to take, but be not enough that got (the benefit, deficiency times passed).

3. Having come from shop, surely put meat in the fridge in order that it wasn't spoiled and didn't zavetret. If you cook meat in about eight hours or more after bought it, then remove beef in the deep freeze (previously having packed into a plastic bag). But don't forget: if meat froze, surely defreeze it in cool water.

4. Before beginning to cook beef (whatever recipe you chose), at first pickle it. It is the most checked and best way to make all-beef softer and is more juicy. And marinade for meat is cooked very simply. For this purpose take and clean several large bulbs, and then miss them via the meat grinder (so onions will give more than juice, necessary for marinade). After that through a gauze or a sieve wring out juice. Add to it some fragrant seasonings. Marinade is ready.

5. Now lower beef pieces in marinade and let's it become impregnated. The acid which is contained in juice will soften meat, having partially destroyed its fibers. To reduce pickling time to several minutes, cut beef thin strips. If it according to the recipe has to be in the form of large pieces – pickle within an hour. For marinade it is possible to use not only juice of onions, but also lemon juice, a soy-bean sauce, vinegar or wine.

6. If you bake beef in an oven, then in order that it was juicy, close it a food foil. So meat will be baked in own juice.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
