How to cure pneumonia at the child

How to cure pneumonia at the child

Pneumonia represents the infectious and inflammatory process affecting lungs. This serious disease can cause not only strong complications in an organism, but also lead to a lethal outcome. Therefore the timely address to the doctor and the correct treatment is very important for elimination of this disease, especially, at children.


1. Having noticed that the child has temperature, rapid breathing, fast fatigue and unreasonable perspiration, immediately call the doctor. Even existence of one of these signs is a reason for concern. In the course of survey of the patient and listening of lungs the doctor will establish suspicion of pneumonia. But the exact diagnosis will be confirmed only by a X-ray analysis of bodies of a thorax.

2. Only after X-ray the doctor can appoint the correct treatment. In the picture received as a result of this inspection the exact localization of inflammatory process will be shown. Especially it is important in case the child already had pneumonia. Precisely to learn a condition of the patient, the doctor can also appoint additional researches and analyses.

3. After establishment of the diagnosis or at serious condition of the child, the doctor appoints treatment antibiotics. At a right choice of medicine in 2-3 days at the patient temperature has to decrease. If on the expiration of this time the condition of the kid did not improve, the doctor has to appoint the alternative scheme. After a course of antibiotics, biological products are usually appointed.

4. Treatment of an easy form of pneumonia usually takes place at home. During it provide to the child a constant bed rest for all feverish period. Air indoors where the patient lies, has to be damp and rather cool – 18-19 degrees.

5. In each case the doctor can appoint intake of additional medicines, proceeding from features of course of a disease. It can be mukoregulyatorny means, antiallergic, bronchodilatory, expectorant medicines.

6. Also plantain infusions, mother-and-machikhi, a nettle or a root of a licorice are useful. Inhalation by plain warm water can give good mukolitichesky effect.

7. You feed the child correctly. Its food has to correspond to age of the patient and to be full. For children about one year the volume of the consumed liquid in day surely has to reach 150 ml on kilogram of body weight taking into account breast milk.

8. During the rehabilitation period which course can last from 2 to 3 months to the kid physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises and massage is appointed. Reception of biostimulants, vitamins and frequent walks in the fresh air will be useful.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
