How to contain already

How to contain already

- not the most widespread inhabitant of house terrariums. Nevertheless, leaving and observation of this creation can be very interesting pastime for the fan of reptiles. But do not forget that there are rules which need to be observed that I will fish it was rather comfortable in its dwelling.

It is required to you

  • - spacious terrarium;
  • - ditch for water;
  • - soil;
  • - snags for registration of a landscape;
  • - moss;
  • - glow lamp;
  • - live forage.


1. For it is already necessary to prepare a terrarium, rather spacious and high - an adult individual, depending on a version, can reach in length of 1 - 1.5 m. Take care of that the terrarium was densely closed by a mesh cover. The bottom can be covered with sand or peat. An indispensable condition for contents already - existence in a reservoir terrarium. The size of a reservoir has to be such that the snake could curl up there entirely. Place in a terrarium one two - snags which your pet will be able to climb the same as it would do it in the nature. Try to arrange them so that could use them as the shelter. The sites covered by a moss will also be pleasant addition of a landscape - it will help to keep comfortable for already moisture.

2. Install the glow lamp over a terrarium, it is desirable with the mirror reflector. It will allow I will fish to receive enough light and heat even in rainy days. You remember also that the terrarium is better to have in the most solar part of the room. As to create I will fish safe conditions for hibernation not so simply, it is better not to allow it to plunge into this state. Hibernation can be avoided, providing to a snake all the year round enough heat, light and a live forage.

3. One of features of keeping of snakes is that they need live, moving food. It can become for already young frogs, tadpoles, little small fishes. As a last resort, if there is in the winter no opportunity to get a live forage, it is already possible to accustom to the frozen food. But then the forage should be put in a mouth of a snake violently as she will not perceive motionless pieces of meat or fish as I go. Such way of feeding can become for already cause of a trauma, because of fragility of his jaws. It is already necessary to feed approximately every three days.

4. If loses mobility, and its skin - color and gloss, perhaps, is necessary to it a molt. It is important not to mix this state with a disease. One more sign that the snake is going to fade - it her aspiration is in water as long as possible and more often. Perhaps, you will manage to see how gets out of an old skin. After a molt your pet will appear in fresh scales, bright and brilliant. Old skins can be kept, observing on them dynamics of growth already.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
